Het is de tijd van het jaar dat de rapportgesprekken plaatsvinden. Wij zijn zo blij met onze school en hoeveel kansen de kinderen te krijgen om zich te ontplooien tot wie ze willen zijn. Er wordt heel veel aandacht besteed aan openbaar spreken, zelf reflectie, zelf management, leiderschap, welzijn en samenwerken. Daarnaast zijn ze op de hoogte en gebruiken ze de meest hoogwaardige technologie, werken ze op tablets alsof er nooit iets anders geweest is en voel ik mij "ouderwets" als ik thuis een powerpoint presentatie voor mijn werk zit voor te bereiden. De jeugd van tegenwoordig doet dat allemaal heel anders. Dynamisch, interactief, afwisselend en vol met plaatjes, links en video's. Als volwassenen leren we iedere dag bij.
Isis deed in de afgelopen weken mee aan een speech competitie en schreef deze speech. Wij zijn geraakt door haar emotionele woorden.
Interschool speech competition
Hi my name is IVM and I’m going to tell you my
It all happened so fast… I still find it unbelievable that
I am standing here right now in front of you. Around seven years ago I would
have been in prep, crying, wanting to go home. I would not have known a word of
English and would not have understood anything or anything anyone was saying to
But now look at me, I’m in my last year of primary school; Speaking
English like you would never have known that I was Dutch. Now I enjoy school,
coming every day learning new things, making new friends and getting along with
others! I remember looking up to those
older than I was and now I’m the older one and the younger kids are looking up
to me!
Over the years I have even earned some leadership positions.
This year I get to represent our school with 3 other students as a bully stopper,
or as we now call it, a friendship ambassador. We make sure that no one is
feeling sad or unhappy and if so we make them feel better, we also try to make
our school the best place it could possibly be. I also get to be an arts
captain. This really shows that I love art and that I like to help out around
the school, not only in the art room but also out in the playground. I participate
in most activities there are and like to help out where or whenever I can.
It all happened so fast… only now do I realise how quickly
it has gone. Prep; starting school and learning how to speak English. Year one;
doing investigation time and making new friends. Year two; playing with friends
and learning how to read and write properly. Year three; Camp at the Melbourne
Zoo and feeding the giraffes. Year four; at camp week-away going canoeing and
going on the flying-fox. Year five; camp at Sovereign Hill, learning how things
were in the olden days. And finally, the most amazing one, year six. The
biggest year of all. Going to Canberra for camp, doing earn and learn, learning
how to run our own business and getting ready for high school! Each year was so
busy it went by in a flash.
It really has gone so fast, maybe even too fast. Coming
here from the other side of the world, knowing no one and knowing nothing about
this strange new country, leaving behind all our family and friends was really
hard. But this strange new country happened to be Australia, with its lovely
nature and the outback; you wouldn’t believe it! Different creatures everywhere
and who knows what else.
It all happened so quickly but I am so glad to have come
here. Learning a new language, being able to travel for hours without being
stuck in traffic, having good friends that are always there for me, a lovely
teacher teaching me new things every day, the list could go on for ever. Turns
out this really is the place to be. It all happened so fast, it’s a total new
world but I wouldn’t change a thing.