zondag 23 november 2008

op zoek naar zon

Terwijl Janske in de zon ligt te bakken op Four Mile Beach in Port Douglas besluiten wij na de zwemles ook naar de zon te gaan zoeken. We gaan naar Torquay waar de beroemde Bells Beach zich bevindt met enorme golven. Omdat het nog steeds hard waait verwachten we een wilde oceaan. Wikipedia zegt over Bells Beach: 
Bells Beach (38°22′01″S 144°17′05″E) is an internationally famous surf beach in VictoriaAustralia, located 100 km south-west of Melbourne, on the Great Ocean Road near the towns of Torquay and Jan Juc.

The main break is known as the Bells Bowl or Bowl section. It is a point break and works through all tides depending on the size of the swell. It is surfable from 2' up to 15', and a north-west to west wind is optimal wind direction.

Bells Beach is the home of the world's longest running surfing competition - the Rip Curl Pro Surf & Music Festival. The event was formerly known as the Bells Beach Surf Classic. The competition was first held in January 1961 and then at Easter every year since although occasionally, when conditions at Bells aren't suitable, the competition has been transferred to other breaks such as Johanna.

The beach is named after the family that first took up the pastoral run in the 1840s. As early as 1939 surfers from Torquay made their way to Bells but access was a considerable problem until 1960 when Torquay surfer and Olympic wrestler Joe Sweeney hired a bulldozer and cleared a road along the Bells cliff [1] from the Cobb & Co Road, where the concrete wave now stands, down to the beach. He charged one pound per surfer to recover his expenses. This is now part of the Torquay to Anglesea walking track.

Nearby surf breaks include 'Southside', 'Centreside', 'Rincon', 'Winki Pop' (Uppers and Lowers), Boobs and Steps. Although Bells is known internationally as one of the best breaks in Victoria, 'Winki Pop' often works better under more diverse conditions than the other nearby breaks.

Van Wikipedia leren we dat de windcondities heel precies moeten zijn, blijkbaar is de windconditie vandaag niet goed, we zien geen enkele surfer.... Maakt niet uit, het was er ook zonder surfers spectaculair. Wij zijn stil en intens gelukkig met de ongekende mogelijkheden die deze omgeving ons biedt. In iets meer dan een uur rijden staan we op dit eenzame prachtige strand. Wow. En we hebben ook nog een uurtje zon...