From: Horsham (VIC)
To: Adelaide (SA)
Via: Shortest route
Distance: 454km
Highlight: The fox that crossed the road
Low: Going to sleep tonight, 4 kids in 2 queen beds that's asking for trouble ;-)
Statement of the day: "Funny, here you don't see towns in the distance because of their churches, but because of the grain silo's"
Animals: Sheep (hundreds), Horses (21), Geen/blue parrots (Many), Cows (numerous), dead kangaroos (3), fox (1), dead foxes (2), Magpies, Birds of prey (3)
Surroundings: Fields, railroads, gumtrees, hills, bushes, marsh land, Murray River
Cars: Many
Giant animal statues: None
Colours: Green grass, silver/green trees, black tarmac, grey fog, white clouds, white grain silo's, brightly coloured playground
Average day temperature: 11C in the morning and foggy, 19C in the afternoon dry and sunny
There is no way we can miss the exit to Adelaide
The Coonalpyn footy oval.
Obviously Bink can't be bothered by what the other are looking at....
On the foot bridge over South Tce, Adelaide
South Tce, Adelaide
Waiting for a turn on the flying fox.
We had to look twice this morning when we opened the door of our motel unit. Thick grey white clouds were covering Horsham like a winter doona. Mist! Everything was dripping with fine water drops. Breakfast in the car today as we wanted to leave on time so we had the whole day to drive the 454 km without a hurry. Driving to the bakery for fresh bread and juice, then loosing 20 minutes to get two real coffees (the complimentary instant ones just can't replace a real coffee, especially not on holidays....). It all took so long that within 30 minutes the kids were ready for a break.
We have learned that sometimes you should not push it, you just have to take a break when there is a need for it, even if it's only 50km from the starting point. So we did. To everyones pleasure.
After that it was easy and from the car we saw the landscape change from dry, sandy and stony (Little Desert National Park) to huge grain fields with a small town and huge grain silo's every 30 to 40km. No disturbances, apart from the odd fox suddenly crossing the road and the disappointing "Rocky Roads", cakes that looked delicious in the shop but turned out to be disagreeing with our tastebuds.
Coonalpyn is our main stop. We passed the swings and public toilets meant for people like us, and settled for a picnic on the local footy field. Kids need a bit more space, and so do we. It is very rural with local adds on the footy field. As we have been drawing 3 dimensional shapes and 3D pictures, I take the kids to the railway crossing so we can see how the rail track disappears in the distance. The amazement of the boys is remarkable. We feel small standing next to the endless rail track and huge grain silo which is towering right next to us. Bink enjoys the place so much he does not want to come with us when we get everything and every-one back in the car. He said we did not have to worry, he'd be fine. Even when I told him I could not miss him, did not help. Nothing did the trick. Bribery, promises, chocolate. He wanted to stay.....
We arrive in Adelaide unexpected. Because of the hills we cannot see Adelaide until we enter the first suburbs, and then the city centre is within 10 minutes reach. And oh how fantastic. Where Bud and I have admired the landscape and the nature as we drove, the kids are now all exited. A huge play ground opposite of the hotel. Where we spend what is left of the day.
We cannot wish for more.
A perfect day.