woensdag 30 mei 2012

de nederlandse ziekte

Op het nieuws houdt Julia Gillard een speech over het belang van Australische mineralen en het belang ervan. Ik zit te werken achter de computer als ik plotseling een term hoor vallen in haar verhaal, "the Dutch Disease" in relatie tot "bad management of mineral resources". Die term had ik nog niet eerder gehoord en natuurlijk zoek ik het meteen op.

Kennen jullie de uitspraak "the Dutch Disease"?
Hier is de uitleg (uit Wikipedia).

In economics, the Dutch disease is a concept that explains the apparent relationship between the increase in exploitation of natural resources and a decline in the manufacturing sector. The mechanism is that an increase in revenues from natural resources (or inflows of foreign aid) will make a given nation's currency stronger compared to that of other nations (manifest in an exchange rate), resulting in the nation's other exports becoming more expensive for other countries to buy, making the manufacturing sector less competitive. While it most often refers to natural resource discovery, it can also refer to "any development that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a sharp surge in natural resource prices, foreign assistance, and foreign direct investment".[1]
The term was coined in 1977 by The Economist to describe the decline of the manufacturing sector in the Netherlands after the discovery of a large natural gas field in 1959.[2]