vrijdag 12 juli 2013

day 13 - Esperance to Hyden

From: Esperance (WA)
To: Hyden (WA)
Via: Ravensthorpe and Wave Rock
Distance: 388km
High: Surfing on the wave!
Low: Grumpy because we did not have time to visit the biosphere Fitzgerald National Park. Realising that we are coming close to the end of this fantastic trip. 
Quote of the day: Isis "Gosh, these chicken nuggets taste like chicken!"
Animals: Black cockatoos (16), Cows (Many), Sheep (many), Horses (7), Crows (many), Kangaroos (2)
Colours: Green of the wheat belt fields and shrubs, blue and white sky, brown earth, black and yellow wave rock, orange flowers
Cars: 21/ hour, mainly road trains 
Weather: morning 13C sunny, afternoon 21C cloudy and even a few rain drops

Green and blue between Esperance and Ravensthorpe.

Ravensthorpe, one moment there is nothing.....

...the next moment there is nothing and one truckie getting a tea refill.

One of the many peppercorn trees we saw.

Ravensthorpe fire station.

Wave Rock, 60 million years old.

Of course every-one wants to try surfing the wave. 

Oh, those skies. 

 Hyden Rock vegetation. 

 Hyden Rock forms its own sculptures. 

The wall on the wave was build in 1928 to guide rainwater to a nearby dam. 

Bink plays endlessly with a tractor made of wire and identical to the ones we passed many times. They are so broad that they don't fit on one lane of the highway and usually have 6 to 8 wheels.

We are very obvious of the fact that the trip is nearing an end. It makes us restless and a bit grumpy, especially because there is still so much to see. I somehow missed to add the Fitzgerald National Park to our wish list which means that we can't fit it in. This national park is a Unesco World Heritage site because of its significance in clues of understanding evolution. We have to drive past it and know that we will need to come back.

Today it is not the landscape that catches our eyes. But the endless skies. They are ever changing, while the fields of the wheat belt stay constant over the 380km we drive, alternated by the occasional lake or ancient rock formation. We hardly see any traffic, only big grain or nickle road trains and giant tractors. 

We feel absorbed by the magnitude of the sky in the lonely landscape. We're a tiny dot driving on a black ribbon. 60Million year old Wave Rock emphasises how tiny we feel.....